English and Welsh Rivers
A customer has told us about the very useful website www.riverlevels.info .
Please be aware that it's an unofficial site, but it uses the Environment Agency data, from the EA's levels-measuring stations, on the rivers throughout England and Wales (Scotland promised to follow).
The site's creator thinks the EA could display its data more effectively, so he set out to do so. In his own words...
" While the Environment Agency's own website does provide river level information, it has to be said that the presentation of the data is somewhat limited. So I decided to set up my own version.
In particular, what I thought I could do better was to present the data in a more accessible visual format, and with better cross-referencing between different sites (so, for example, when viewing the data for the River Avon at Evesham, there are also quick links to other locations on the Avon and other rivers near Evesham). Putting the locations onto a Google map also makes it easier to find those which are relevant as you don't need to know precise names. "
Zoom in on the map and it will clearly show, with rising/falling red or green arrows, the situation in an area, thereby giving warning of water levels rising upstream of any point where you may be visiting. Or, of course, lack of water flowing down in drought conditions.
Clicking on an arrow gives a box with location, waterway, and levels - clicking on the "More" link in the box will give more information for the site.
There's also a Locations List with rivers shown within their catchments. Again, very useful for a quick check on everything which may change the water levels, in the near future, where you are.
Richlow has no connection with the creator of the website - we just thought his initiative should be applauded, and that our customers may benefit from a visit to www.riverlevels.info .